Since July 2016, BERUDA has reached out to just short of 100 women in Nwa area DONGA MANTUNG DIVISION through a micro finance project named PROMIC. Through funds provided by SWISSHAND, women are being empowered with entrepreneurial and managerial skills and provided with startup capital (50,000 FCFA/90 USD per individual) at a very minimal interest rate. The plan is that in three years, the funds are repaid by the individuals and handed back to women’s groups. These women’s groups will have autonomy over the funds and maintain the sustainability of this revolving credit scheme.
In this way, the main money pool of each group will grow to the level where they will be able to empower other suitable groups in the same way. Nine groups of 12 members each are benefiting from the project in Nwa already. BERUDA plays a supervisory role to ensure sustainability. Currently seven more groups are awaiting disbursement of funds while many others are still to be categorized. One of the objectives of this project is to build capacities through trainings and follow-up evaluation. Alleviation of poverty through sustainable income generating activities remains the mission that propels BERUDA to undertake these life changing projects. That is why despite many constraints, BERUDA has penetrated to the most enclave peripheries of North West Region. Projects similar to these have existed in Boyo, Mezam and Ngohketunjia Divisions since 2012 and have benefited over 300 women.
Locally committed people caring for the wellbeing of their community. Archives
February 2022
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